Pranava Crystal Platonic Solids Set: Energetically Activated Sacred Geometry Healing Crystal Kit:
Now available in 7 piece sets.
This beautiful kit contains a set of seven Quartz Crystals faceted into the sacred geometric shapes know as the Five Platonic Solids and we add a sphere and a merkaba shape to complete our set. The Platonic Solids are the repeating geometric patterns that are the basic building blocks of life. All of life as we know it is composed of these geometric structures: our physical bodies, cells, DNA, plants, animals, minerals, planets, solar systems, stars, galaxies and Universes, the microcosm and macrocosm are endlessly repeating these archetypal patterns.
These geometries are the "language" of creation which exists at the foundation of all life. They are a blueprint of the sequence of movements that Divine
Spirit makes as it descends from pure Source Energy into matter, creating the microcosm and macrocosm of universes, and ultimately our physical world.
These energy patterns ultimately
coalesce as they descend from the subtle realms of higher frequency vibrational dimensions, into our denser level of physical manifestation, and form a unique energy pattern around every natural thing
and being in the universe. This unique energy pattern has been described as the field of formative causation, or the Morphogenetic Field. This energy field is crystalline in structure, and like
a quartz crystal, stores information. This information in our human energy field contains the cumulative experiences and emotions of all of our lifetimes! This is referred to as our
karma. Often these geometric energy patterns are "stuck" or chaotic, these "stuck particles" can become the seeds of ill health, emotional imbalance and other discordant
experiences in our lives.
By consciously accessing our personal energy field, through focusing intent on and through these specially energized Platonic Solids Crystals, one can access and
reprogram the human energy pattern at it's most fundamental level through the Law of Resonance.
The Law of Resonance states that everything in the universe is energy or vibration,
and when a strong field of vibration is introduced to a weaker or chaotic field of vibration, the weaker/chaotic one will change its frequency to match that of the stronger/organized one.
put, when the strong energy field of these crystals, faceted into the archetypal patterns of creation and programmed with Pranava Source Energy are utilized with the clear, focused intention of the
user they can access, align and restore to harmony any area of weakened, chaotic energy. This applies to restoration of harmony in either a body/mind/spirit energy field or an
environment of "inanimate objects", such as your home or workplace.
These special crystals make an excellent personal energetic enhanced kit and can be used for
- Chakra Clearing & Balancing
- Meditation
- Dream work
- Ceremony
- Energy Grid Activations
- Environmental Space Clearing
- Feng Shui.
Add them to your Healing Practice. These energetically activated crystals greatly enhance any kind of therapeutic modality such as
- Massage and Neuromuscular Therapy
- Intuitive Counseling
- Past Life Therapy
- Repatterning Therapy
- Reiki
- Vibrational Essences Therapy
- Pranic Energy Therapy
- Aromatherapy
- Physical Therapy
- Feng Shui
- the list is endless.
Set of Seven Sacred Geometry Crystal Set:
We have added the Merkaba and a Sphere to our clear Quartz
Crystal Platonic Solids set. Now you have all seven crystals in one attractive wood box! These sets are available in Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz and
These Sacred Geometric Faceted crystals have been
energetically charged in our Pranava Energy Activator. Each crystal measures aprox. 5/8 inch in diameter .

The Five Platonic Solids
The Platonic solids are five geometric structures found repeating in all life. These repeating geometric patterns are the basic building blocks of creation; the foundation of our physical
bodies, plants, animals, minerals, sound frequency, music & language, planets, solar systems, stars, galaxies and Universes. Each shape has a resonance with a particular
"The Platonic solids were known to the ancient Greeks, and were described by Plato in his Timaeus ca. 350 BC . In this work, Plato equated the Tetrahedron with the "element''' fire, the Cube with earth, the Icosahedron with water, the Octahedron with air, and the Dodecahedron with the stuff of which the constellations and heavens were made" (Cromwell 1997).

Cube: Element is Earth Root Chakra Key Function: Grounding
Notes: Very good
for grounding, for manifesting in the four directions (the physical plane). Aids in clarifying one's purpose. All physical conditions related to organs near the Root


Octahedron: Element is Air Heart Chakra Key Function: Integration


Tetrahedron: Element is
Fire Solar Plexus Chakra Key Function: Manifestation


Icosahedron: Element is
Water Navel Chakra Key Function: Transformation


Dodecahedron Element is
Ether or Akashic Spirit Chakras (6th, 7th & higher) Key Function: Ascension & Mystery
This is The Mirror of the Self--: the five faces of the Elements are reflected into the Core, into the One Who Manifests but does not participate. Use this to get to
an ego less state. Also good for grounding and clearing energies and holding the Divine frequencies in the physical world or bodies.

The Pranava Activation Process
and Vibrational Healing
Our Crystals are unique because we activate or "charge" them energetically in our Pranava Energy Activator.
This is a multistep process, developed exclusively by Celestial Lights, that basically charges
each crystal with a special light life-force energy or Prana. The crystal is now charged and activated permanently to attract and transmit charged Lifetrons or Prana healing energy.
Prana means the breathe of the is the energy that creates and supports Life;
healing, & wholeness flow from it. It is the Light Signature of the Creator, carrying the blueprint for the remembrance of the Source.
Our special Pranava activation process imbues a particularly gentle nurturing aspect of the Divine Mother nature of the Universal Source. It is excellent for those souls who are
especially drawn to the Divine Feminine aspect of Creation, healers, lightworkers, spiritual aspirants and truth seekers.
Listed Below are the properties of each type of Crystal, these attributes are in addition to
and enhanced and amplified by the Pranava Activation Process. Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz and Amethyst.
Properties of Clear Quartz Sacred Geometry Solids Set:
Clear Quartz is one of the purest and most
versatile forms of crystal. It's key word is Clarity---it's high energy frequency clarifies and amplifies one's thoughts. It is used extensively in healing,
meditation and spiritual development. Clear Quartz has the capacity to absorb and reflect all color vibrations within the spectrum of light.
This makes it a unique and powerful healing instrument which brings light and energy into our physical and spiritual bodies. The termination tip
of a clear quartz crystal is most often colorless while its body is usually a milky white color. This "milky" portion is naturally occurring trapped water vapor and does not detract from
the crystal's energies. Clear Quartz helps one to recognize the origin of a disease or problem and is used in
diagnostic healing & raising consciousness. It cuts through mental fog, and dispels negativity, elevates the thoughts, and increases intuitive abilities.
Clear quartz alleviates all emotional extremes, the Third-Eye, Crown and Solar Plexus
Chakras are all cleared, aligned, and balanced. The creativity of the second Chakra is balanced with the sensitivity of the Heart Chakra to give feeling to one's creative expression.
Clear Quartz aids the alignment of the Emotional Body with the Etheric Body... this
enhances, but does not cause, tissue regeneration.
Clear quartz is a powerful clarifier and amplifier of thought forms, and particularly useful
when used with prayer, meditation and affirmations.
Clear quartz has a balancing effect on the Yin or feminine energy, and dark (such as Smokey quartz) has a balancing
effect on the Yang or masculine energy. Using both types together has a balancing effect of the Yin and Yang energies of the individual. When both of these crystals are placed next
to each other they provide a heightened faculty of divination. When these two are used together in conjunction with meditation they open and regulate the Kundalini energy so that
the Chakras are opened in a proper and balanced sequence. [note: this information is not intended to diagnosis or treat any illness, nor replace professional medical advise]
Properties of Amethyst Sacred Geometry Platonic Solids Set [excerpt from "Love is in the Earth" by Melody "Amethyst is a "Stone of Spirituality and contentment".
It facilitates transmutation of lower energies into higher frequencies of both the spiritual and the ethereal levels. It is the representative of the principles of complete metamorphosis.
Amethyst balances the energies of the intellectual, emotional and physical bodies, and provides a clear connection between the Earth plane and the other
planes of existence. It clears the aura and stabilizes and transmutes any dysfunctional energy located within ones body. Amethyst also bestows stability, strength,
invigoration, and peace; the peace being the perfect peace which was present prior to physical birth.
Amethyst is also a "stone of meditation", being excellent in conducting the energy of calm and peacefulness to help one to both enter and maintain the state of meditation. It opens
and activates the crown Chakra.
Amethyst may be used to protect against psychic attacks: the energy of the attack being
transmitted to the universe after its transformation into positive, loving energy. It is 'warm and cuddly" as well as regal and ruling. It brings one the energies of serenity
and composure while inciting fairness in decisions and enhancement in the ability to manage any and all responsibilities.
It enhances cooperation and co-efficiency between ones mental, physical, and emotional
bodies, between the physical and spiritual worlds, and during activities of this world.
Amethyst Crystal provides the "sense" of common sense and encourages flexibility in
decisions. It controls temperament by imparting a soothing, calming and tranquilizing influence, while clearing away unproductive and unkind vibrations. It is also said to help
business affairs to prosper.
Amethyst assists the assimilation of new ideas; by carrying, wearing or using amethyst, one
can remember and apply the myriad of ways which can be used to overcome any crystallized/stuck areas within ones physical form, intellectual activities, emotional attitudes
and state of consciousness.
By directing love to the structure of the amethyst, the energy is increased by orders of
magnitude and returned to the region in which the amethyst is located.
Consciously holding the amethyst allows on to activate the energy to produce re-alignment
of the energy bodies, while providing for stimulus to rectify disassociation between the aspects of cause and effect.
It further allows for integration of cause and effect, providing insight into which portion of
the actualized self requires remodeling in order to facilitate change toward the ultimate state of perfection.
It has, since historic times, been used to encourage and support sobriety. It is an excellent
stone for one who is attempting to find freedom from addictive personalities: either one's own or another's.
Amethyst can be used in the treatment of hearing disorders, to both strengthen the skeletal system and reinforce ones posture, and to stimulate both the sympathetic nervous system
and the endocrine glands to proper and precise performance. It is quite useful in treatment
of disorders of the nervous system, digestive tract, heart, stomach, skin and teeth. It can help cellular disorders to re-adjust and re-align in order to eliminate distressful conditions.
Amethyst can also be helpful in the treatment of insomnia, headaches, and arthritis." [note:
this information is not intended to diagnosis or treat any illness, nor replace professional medical care.]
Properties of Rose Quartz Sacred Geometry Platonic Solids Set
[excerpt from "Love is in the Earth" by Melody
Rose quartz ranges in color from soft pink to golden white. It emits a calming, cooling energy which can work well on all of the
Chakras to gently remove negativity and to reinstate the loving, gentle forces of self-love. It provides the message that there is no need for haste in any
situation, bringing calmness and clarity to the emotions and restoring the mind to harmony after chaotic or crisis situations.
Rose quartz is especially helpful at the locations of the heart and crown Chakras. The energy is soft and silky, producing a gentleness from both within and without of the user. It
has been known as a "stone of gentle love", bringing peacefulness and calm to relationships. It promotes receptivity to the beauty of art, music and poetry; enlivening imagination, and
representing a young, warm love. It can be used for spiritual attunement to the universal energy of love.
Rose quartz provides for balancing of yin-yang (male/female) energy, and can attune and provide each Chakra with the proper energetic frequency vibration.
It is quite effective in the treatment of conditions relating to the emotional body balancing the love emotions of the upper four Chakras -heart, throat ,brow and crown Chakras. Rose
quartz can act as a rejuvenating agent for both the physical body as well as the emotions. It is an excellent energy for healing emotional "wounds", such as a "broken heart".
Rose quartz can be used to enable the opening of the heart center, allowing for the dissolution of stress and tension. Placed upon the heart Chakra, it can diminish pain and can
stimulate the proper functioning of the heart. Placement of rose quartz crystals in one's environment and or wearing or carrying the
crystal all stimulate the universal true life force -LOVE." [note: this information is not intended to
diagnosis or treat any illness, nor replace professional medical care.]