Rainbow Fluorite Quartz
Pranava Energy Activated

This gorgeous Rainbow Fluorite Crystal Slab has been activated in our Pranava Energy Activator. They are excellent for laying on the body, carrying with you, or holding during meditation.
Rainbow Fluorite is my favorite crystal for its clarity and coloring. This fluorite is from China - the source of the most beautiful green to purple colored variety.
Rainbow Fluorite is one of the most beautiful stones on earth..Its complex striations of Blue, Purple, Green, Gold and White are unsurpassed in their beauty and spiritual significance.
Metaphysical Properties of Rainbow Fluorite:
Blue represents Inner peace, mental calmness and serenity.
Purple represents the devotional aspect of a mind that is focused on and committed to spirit.
Gold is the color of wisdom and understanding.
White represents purity and oneness
Green represents physical health, well being and harmony with the Earth.
All of these colors are the higher frequencies of light vibrations associated with the three upper Chakras and signify advanced states of consciousness .
Metaphysically, Fluorite is a great stone for spiritual advancement.
Fluorite enables one to maintain a meditative and centered space while in the midst of physical activity.
Fluorite balances the positive and negative aspects of the mind.
It increases the electrical charge of the brain cells which draws more Prana (life force) into the brain, which in turn supports the expansion of consciousness and the increased ability to concentrate.
Fluorite also has great uses in healing.
Fluorite encourages and sustains the flawless ideal of health, intellect, and emotional well-being.
It also is a great purifier, providing cleansing and elimination of that which is in disorder.
Fluorite is an excellent pain reducer, sometimes with miraculous effect.
Fluorite's energies discourage chaotic, disruptive and disorganized growth and can be used to bring order to chaos.
For both areas of physical healing and spiritual advancement, Fluorite is an excellent stone.
Energetic Significance of Faceted Crystals:
Energy moves through a crystal in a spiral. Every time it hits a facet the energy spins faster and becomes more intense.
The amount of facets a crystal has affects the intensity of the energy that is transmitted through a crystal. The more intensity, the deeper the penetration power of the crystal.
Exclusively from Celestial Lights
Our crystals are unique because we activate or "charge" them energetically in our Pranava Energy Activator. The Pranava Energy Activator is the creation of Sebastian Posern, energy healer and founder of Celestial Lights Crystals. Sebastian has been working with many kinds of energetic healing modalities since 1992.
Our activation process is a multistep procedure that basically charges each crystal with a special Lifetronic Light Frequency or Prana. Prana is the ancient Sanskrit word that means the Breathe of the Creator....it is the the essence of the Life- Force Energy that creates and supports all of Life. All healing & wholeness flow from it. It is the Light Signature of the Creator, carrying the blueprint for the remembrance of the Source. After going through the Pranava Activation Process the crystal is now charged and programed to permanently to attract and transmit charged Lifetrons or Prana healing energy.
Our special Pranava activation process imbues a particularly gentle nurturing aspect of the Divine Mother Nature of the Universal Source. It is excellent for those souls who are especially drawn to the energies of the Divine Feminine, Nurturing and Loving aspect of Creation. Pranava Crystals are the perfect tool for all energy healers, light-workers, spiritual aspirants and individuals who are seeking a powerful yet gentle loving, positive energy to balance and harmonize themselves, their loved ones, clients and environment
Pranava Crystals are essential aids for all kinds of personal spirit, mind & bodywork such as Meditation, Yoga, Visualization, Ascension, etc. They can align, awaken, harmonize and clarify our Chakras (vital energy centers) as well as our five etheric (subtle) energy bodies. This in turn allows for greater vitality, health, emotional balance, mental clarity and higher awareness. These very powerful energy tools can initiate, stimulate, and support our own evolution to greater states of awareness, wholeness and self-realization.
Pranava Energy Activated Crystals restore the remembrance of the Source of creation to the cells: they align, balance & clarify the Chakras, restore health to the body, harmonize the environment, and enhance and accelerate spiritual advancement.
Pranava crystals are excellent for stress and pain reduction.
Enhance your Healing Practice with Pranava Crystals
Because they are so powerful and versatile these Living Light Crystals can greatly enhance and support all traditional as well as alternative healing modalities such as: Reiki, Pranic Healing, Massage, Aromatherapy, all Subtle Energy Therapies, Light, Color & Sound Therapies, Chakra Clearing & Balancing, Intuitive Counseling, Aura Soma, Flower & Gemstone Essences, all Vibrational Healing techniques, the list is endless.
Pranava Activated Crystals also restore harmony to the environment and are excellent tools for Feng Shui and other techniques and systems whose goal is to create harmonious, beneficial Chi energy in a space, room or environment.
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All of our crystals are energetically enhanced in our Pranava Energy Activator |

Large Fluorite Slabs $19.95
shapes vary, diameter is aprox 8 cm X 1 cm thick

4 Large Fluorite Slabs for $59.95
Save almost $20.00!

Fluorite Wand
Like all wands, the facets amplify the crystals energy. The fat end is for receiving and the narrow end for transmitting.
Excellent for soothing stress,inflamation, and relieving pain.
size: 3 in X 1 in diameter

Fluorite Pyramid
Pyramids can be used to amplify then direct tightly focused energy through the apex. Good for manifestation. Also good for regeneration and rejuvenation.
size 2 inch along base, height 2.5 inch $39.95

Fluorite Oblisk