Chakra Balance Set of Flower of Life Crystals This exclusive, rare Flower of Life cut greatly enhances the inherent beneficial
energies of the crystal. Science has documented that energy spirals through crystals and is amplified every time it "hits" a facet The more facets a crystal has the more powerful its energy.
Additionally, the geometries of the facets affect the way in which the energy moves. Using the principles of Sacred Geometry, this crystal is faceted into a stunning Flower of Life shape. One side of the
crystal is faceted with a six petaled flower with an identical flower juxtaposed on the back side---creating a beautiful, powerful 12 pointed star. It's energy is that of being
surrounded by life's abundance and joy.
Select the one for each day and circumstance. Carry them with you as a personal
healing stone, meditate with them, use it for focusing and amplifying affirmations and prayers, or apply them to the Chakra energy centers for a vibrational healing session.
This is an excellent crystal energy balancing tool for any healer/ energy worker!
- Enhances and amplifies your Meditation practice.
- Clarifies and amplifies your affirmation and prayer practice.
- Clears and activates and aligns the Chakras and energy bodies
- Use them in conjunction with your healing practices.
- Place around the room to create an energetically charged, harmonious
environment or healing space.
Our crystals greatly enhance any kind of healing work: Massage, Counseling,
Intuitive, Reiki, Pranic Energy Healing, Aromatherapy, Physical Therapy, Feng Shui...the list is endless. These incredible faceted crystals may have minor striations that prevent them from
becoming gem-quality pendants selling for hundreds of dollars, but do not detract from their beauty or subtle energy healing qualities. You (and you clients/friends and
family) will love these crystals!! Size range from 1/2 to 5/8 inch across by 1/4 inch thick
Crystals included in this Chakra Set are: Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Clear
Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Gold Siberian, and Aquamarine.
Pranava Activated Flower of Life Crystal Set
1st Root Chakra
Smokey Quartz
Survival, sustenance
2nd Sacral Chakra
Gold Quartz
3rd Solar Plexus Chakra
Self Esteem -Personal Power
4th Heart Chakra
Rose Quartz
Unconditional Love, Emotions
5th Throat Chakra
6th Third Eye Chakra
Clear Quartz
7th Crown Chakra
Spirituality- Connection to the Divine
Buy Chakra 7 Gem Set securely online through paypal reg $199.00 sale special: $174.00
•For detail on the properties of each crystal click on their buttons on the right side of this page.
Flower of Life Crystal Pendants:
These same beautiful crystals are available as pendants also!
Choose from 14k Gold or Sterling Silver wrap. A matching Chain is included. Additional crystals and gems can be added to enhance and further personalize each
piece. Below is just a sample of the many combinations available. Click here for
more details:

What is the Flower of Life symbol The Flower of Life symbol is considered to be sacred among
many cultures around the world, both ancient and modern. Within this symbol can be found all the building blocks of the universe that we call the Platonic Solids. The symbol can be
used as a metaphor to illustrate the connectedness of all life and spirit within the universe. This Sacred Geometric Archetype is a tremendously
important icon. It is a simple and yet infinitely complex aspect of "Nature's First Pattern" holding the roots of All linear principle. All form evolves from the Flower
Of Life geometric pattern. The contemplation of this icon can lead the witness to profound realization. Layers of questions may be resolved by meditating on
"The Flower Of Life." At first it is a puzzle, and then a doorway, and finally an
oracle to the deepest mysteries of the universe. [excerpt from Charles Gilchrist]
The Platonic Solids Are found in the rudimentary construction of organic life, as well as music, language
, and consciousness itself. These building blocks of life called the Platonic Solids serve as templates through which the foundation of all life everywhere can be
expressed. Once this is understood, the importance of the Flower of Life becomes apparent as a totally integrated expression of God, or the Source of Creation. The
Flower of Life is a universal template with many lenses. When placed over the face of a common or ordinary circle or sphere, the Flower of Life maps a window into
the unity of infinity and turns the ordinary into a revelation of the extraordinary. Looking into the window of the Flower of Life challenges us to unify our mind,
heart, and spirit. When we can truly see all life woven so intimately, we strengthen the embrace of the divine in our lives and we can transform our world through the vision of universal unity.
We ship via US Priority Mail, Insured within the USA. We will happily combine with other items to save even more shipping. Email or call us for foreign rates.
We accept Visa, MC, Discover Card, Money Order, Cashiers Checks directly. You may phone toll free or fax us your order. We also accept online PayPal payments.
100% satisfaction guaranteed. You may return within 30 days of receipt for a full refund of your purchase price. Call for return shipping instructions. (970)229-9167
Contact us: Celestial Lights and Northern Lights
220 E. Monroe Dr., Ft. Collins, CO 80525 toll free: (800)498-7182, (970)229-9167 Fax (970)229-0817