Crystal Singing Bowl Seven Chakra Set
reg $1500.00 Special $999.00 price with shipping in the USA = $1299.00 total
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Singing Bowl
Chakra Sets consist of SEVEN Frosted Quartz Singing Bowls one bowl for each note A thru G harmonically tuned to play together. A
must have for the anyone interested in sound healing, meditation groups or just for yourself to enjoy!
Click here to purchase online or phone
Toll Free: 1-(800)498-7182, 1-970-229-9167
Chakra Gemstone Clear Quartz Crystal Hand-Held Singing Bowls aka Practitioner Bowls
Complete Set of 7 Chakra Bowls $1469.00
The Practitioner Bowl -
The perfect Crystal Quartz Healing Tool
Our bowls are made from 99.99% pure quartz crystal with a hollow
handle that we fill with crystals appropriate to each of the Seven Chakra energy centers.
Perfect set of crystal singing bowls for sound therapists or energy workers to use with ease on clients!
When played, these bowls transmit the pure tone of sound combined with the crystal frequency of the stones in each handle - a subtle yet
powerful combination.
"The Practitioner Bowls are the most practical of the crystal sonic tools
that have thus far manifested on the planet. They are lightweight and easy to use - the glass goblet design allows you to comfortably move
with them while resonating their wondrous sounds. They are a true gift to assist with sound healing and frequency shifting!"
~ Jonathan Goldman Author of Healing Sounds Composer of Chakra Chants -
Crystal Singing Bowls from Celestial Lights
Chakra-Tuned Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls are precisely manufactured from 99% pure
quartz crystal. Each bowl is hand-tuned to a note of the diatonic musical scale. When
played, the bowl resonates ("sings") its note, opening and balancing the corresponding energy vortex (Chakra) of the body. The
note the bowl is tuned to play determines which Chakra is balanced. The size of the
bowl determines its tone and octave (the bigger the bowl, the deeper the tone and the lower the octave).
The vibrations the Chakra Tuned Crystal Singing Bowl
open and activate the Chakra energy centers of the body and balance and harmonize the surrounding environment.. You can also energize water in your Crystal Bowl.
Excellent for Reiki Masters, Vibrational Healers, Meditation Groups, Musicians, and of course you own personal use!
So easy to play, everyone can be an expert in a few
minutes and immediately benefit from the incredible healing, balancing tones that emanate from your Crystal Singing Bowl.
Personally, I love to just sit with my bowl alone or with a group and sing along with the
bowl. Even chanting simply "Om" with novices, the harmonics are so deeply moving
and satisfying, and its just so fun you'll wonder why you ever lived so long without one
Two Thumbs Up! Susan St.Clair, Celestial Lights
"Healing Tones of Crystal Bowls"
by Sound Healer Renee Brodie
The following is an excerpt from her best-selling book:
" The priests of ancient Egypt knew how to use vowel sounds to resonate their energy centers or Chakras. There is a direct link between different parts of the body and specific sounds. Such a technique appears extremely old, yet healing through sound goes back even further, at
least as far back as Atlantis, where the power of sound was combined with the power of crystal.
Edgar Cayce, the American psychic, and Rudolf Steiner, German philosopher, educator and
artistic genius, both predicted that "pure tones will be used for healing before the end of this century".
Vibrational Healing with Crystal Tones
Everything in the universe is in a state of vibration, and each object or person has a resonant
frequency that is their optimal vibration. The Chakras, bones and organs in the body all
possess a different resonant frequency. When an organ, or other part of the body, is vibrating
out of tune or non-harmoniously, it is called "dis-ease". A body is in a healthy state of being
when each cell and each organ create a resonance that is in harmony with the whole being.
Vibrational therapy is based on the idea that all illness or disease is characterized by blockage in
the channels on some level, such as in acupuncture meridians, arteries, veins, nerves and
Chakras (energy centers). When there is a blockage, the organ in question stops vibrating at a
healthy frequency, and thus it results in some kind of illness. Using sound and light, one can
break up, dissolve and remove these blockages that initiate in our light or etheric body. Ultra
sound (very high-frequency sound), well-known as a diagnostic tool for fetal development, is also being used to cleanse clogged arteries and break up kidney stones.
The body may be seen as a pattern of visible frequencies that produces an auric color field.
The aura changes as it reflects emotional states of consciousness, and thus the physiological
status. The appearance of the aura is also conditioned by the qualities and activity of each
Chakra. A Chakra may be under active, overactive, or blocked. These may be temporary
conditions or reflect a more deeply held pattern. For example, sudden emotional stress may
drive the solar plexus into overactive churning, whereas long term emotional stress may cause
a person to nearly shut down the solar plexus Chakra so that the person may avoid feeling any
more hurt. Of course, this also means that the person lessens the ability to feel at all, including pleasure.
 The sounds of the crystal bowls help balance the Chakras in two ways. At the same time that the
disharmonious conditions are being adjusted or removed, a sacred space is created for strengthening of the person's Higher Self connection or "Divine Blueprint".
When an unbalanced energetic condition is removed, it is always wise to fill the void created with the highest aspect of Source that the person is willing to embrace.
The sound waves from the crystal bowls emit a pure holographic template of radiant sound that builds a "Jacob's ladder" to the Divine.
The pure tones of crystal bowls produce a vibrational sound field which resonates the light body energy
centers (Chakras) and corresponding physical areas. There are seven musical notes that
correspond to the seven colors of the rainbow, and these are related to the seven main Chakras
, which in turn correspond to different areas of the endocrine gland system. A series of pure
crystal tone sessions facilitates the rebalancing of each receiver back into an elevated level of
etheric radiance. The effects are enhanced because the bowls are made of quartz. Silicon
crystal acts as an oscillator, magnifying and transmitting pure tone. This is why pure quartz
crystal is used in all the world's most advanced telecommunications systems. Like a powerful
radio transmitter, the crystal bowls transmit energy into the atmosphere, filling a person's aura
with vibrational radiance which translates into the seven main colors of the rainbow.
As the pure crystal tones affect brain wave activity, one can travel into an altered state of
consciousness. As different parts of the brain are affected, it is probable that different
hormones and neuro-chemicals are released that suppress pain, overcome addictions, strengthen willpower, and foster creativity.
Eva Rudy Jansen, in her book Singing Bowls (1990). documented the effect of Tibetan metal
bowls: "It is possible to record the waves produced by singing bowls. It was found that
among the wave patterns of different singing bowls, there is a measurable wave pattern which
is equivalent to the alpha waves produced by the brain. These bowls, in particular, instill a sense of deep relaxation and inner space opening up."
Each crystal bowl is made of 98.9% silicon quartz and our body has a natural affinity to quartz
. The human body is composed of many crystalline substances - the bones, blood and DNA
are crystalline in structure, as well as the liquid crystal-colloidal structure of the brain. Even on
a molecular level, our cells contain silica, which balances our electromagnetic energies.
Quartz Crystal Singing B
owl tones hold the vibration of white light, which ultimately refracts into the rainbow and acts directly on our Chakras when played. It has the power to bring
about a positive shift in our consciousness, and as our awareness expands, we grow close to
our original selves and start to reflect the highest radiance in our physical form. Physicists
know that quartz is able to maintain the balance of electromagnetic energies between its north
and south poles, enabling it to play a key role in timekeeping systems. The same
electromagnetic field exists within all life forms. Quartz balances our own electromagnetic energies.
Edward Bach, founder of Bach Flower Remedies, understood that illness reflects disharmony
between the physical personality and the soul, and stated that it is easy to cure by balancing the
magnetic qualities of the higher subtle bodies. Through pure tone, one can repattern the energy
field organization that ultimately affects the cellular expression of disease or wellness. Crystal
bowl tones are all the more powerful, as the quartz can be programmed in the same way as any quartz crystal.
Quartz crystal, as a holographic light template, is able to hold, transmit, and receive thought
forms. In Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics (1992), Jonathan Goldman writes, "The
intention behind the sound is of extreme importance. It may, in fact, be as important as the
actual sounds that are created." The power of thought is the means by which we create our
reality. Nothing can be created unless it is first thought. When using crystal to rebalance, the
crystal amplifies the thought programmed within it. The crystal has this amazing property, and
thus it can be used to bring out a special feeling or quality in people, and simultaneously release
and replace thought forms that are not of the highest radiance for the listener.
Only quartz crystal singing bowls offer this unique quality to the growing family of Soundworkers.
Source: Renee Brodie's "Healing Tones of Crystal Bowls" book. This excellent book is
available from our bookstore.
To order a Chakra-Tuned Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl, you must specify the bowl size, bowl style (frosted or clear), and the musical note (A thru G)
the bowl is tuned to play. The information you need to make your bowl selection is provided below.