Imperial Gold Quartz aka Golden Aura Quartz

The richly sparkling shades of gold, orange and pink in Imperial Gold Quartz aka Golden Aura Quartz
are much like those in the finest gems of Imperial Topaz, and their energetic properties are also similar. Imperial Gold quartz, like its
cousins, Aqua Aura and Angel Aura Quartz, is created by the pyroelectric bonding of natural clear Quartz with atomized metal compounds. Imperial Gold marries
Quartz with Iron, Titanium and several other trace metals. The results are astonishingly vibrant and beautiful gems and crystals.
"Imperial Gold Quartz provides the perfect link between the solar plexus and heart chakras, making for a blend of their highest traits. The solar plexus is the
seat of the will and one's power of manifestation. It is the power center through which one can bring one's dreams into reality. The heart chakra is, of course, the
energy portal through which one expresses love and by means of which one feels one's connection with the Divine. Imperial Gold Quartz emanates an energy which
unifies and blends the vibrations of the heart and solar plexus chakras. Thus it supports the unity of love and will, helping one to devote one's power of manifestation to the guidance of the heart's wisdom.
"Imperial Gold Quartz imparts an energy of sovereignty, granting one 'dominion' over the realm of one's life and enhancing one's powers of conscious co-creation
with the Divine. It helps eliminate self-sabotage by bringing one's actions into alignment with one's highest good. It supports all benevolent wishes and helps
them to manifest. It assists in developing generosity, which increases the flow of abundance into one's life. It is a stone of deep compassion and evokes success in altruistic pursuits.
"Imperial Gold Quartz benefits the core of the body, lending energy to the heart and lungs, the circulatory system, as well as the stomach and digestive systems. It
also vibrationally supports the liver, gall bladder and spleen. It assists those who have weak vital energies in attaining more vibrant health and well-being.
"Imperial Gold Quartz is highly programmable, so it can amplify one's intention in any area, especially those inspired by love and compassion.
"Imperial Gold Quartz works synergistically with Aqua Aura, AngelAura and Tanzan Aura Quartz, as well as Vivianite, Ocean Jasper, Siberian Gold Quartz,
Golden Labradorite, Danburite, Amethyst and Moldavite."
Pranava Energy Activation
All of our Jewelry is energetically charged in our
Pranava Energy Activator. More on this activation process here.
Quoted from Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian authors of "The Book of