Merkaba Lightbody Crystals Smokey Quartz
- Activates and clarifies the human Light Body.
- Restores the memory of the infinite possibilities of our being .
- Excellent tool to enhance and strengthen one's own light body.
- Powerful learning aid for the Flower of Life Mer-Ka-Ba (light body) visualizations
and meditations.
What is a Merkaba
Mer-Ka-Ba is a term from the Egyptian Mystery School. It is
found in many languages including African Zulu, Egyptian and Hebrew. In Hebrew it means both the Throne of God as well as a Chariot
that carries the human body and spirit from one place to another. In Egyptian, Mer-Ka-Ba is derived from three words:
- "Mer" is a special kind of light that was last understood in
Egypt during the Eighteenth Dynasty: it is two counter-rotating fields of light spinning in the same space which are generated by certain breathing patterns.
- "Ka" refers to the individual spirit
- "Ba" is defined as the physical body or as one's
interpretation of reality.
So, the Mer-Ka-Ba is a counter-rotating field of light that affects
spirit and body simultaneously. It is a vehicle that can take spirit and body (or one's interpretation of reality) from one world or dimension into another. It can also create reality as well as move
through realities. It is an inter-dimensional vehicle that can aid humanity to return to their original higher states of consciousness.
We humans have lost touch with the Geometric Energy Field that
surrounds our bodies, according to Drunvalo Melchizdek, author of "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life vol 1 & 2", and considered by many to be the leading authority on activating our
personal Mer-Ka-Ba energy field vehicle. About thirteen thousand years ago, (the age of Atlantis) when we were more in tune with our own subtle energies and those of the earth, this
personal field of light used to spin at close to the speed of light around our physical body, but it slowed down and stopped spinning after what he calls "the Fall". With this, most of us lost
the ability we once had to communicate with other beings, the earth and our Creator.
When this field is reactivated through meditation, visualization,
breathing techniques, and most importantly through the experience and expression of Unconditional Love, it begins spinning and is called a Mer-Ka-Ba. This process has been
referred to as "Ascension" and "Spiritual Awakening". The Mer-Ka-Ba's usefulness in this reality is unparalleled. It gives us an expanded awareness of who we are, connects us with higher
levels of consciousness and restores the memory of the infinite possibilities of our being.
Merkaba: The CHARIOT of the SOUL Look carefully, and you will see that each of the tetrahedrons is spinning in an opposite direction, not the same (if you still have trouble, look at the uppermost apex). The top, male part spins in
a clockwise direction and the female, anti-clockwise
The Pranava Energetic Activation
and Vibrational Healing
Our Mer-Ka-Ba crystals are unique because we activate or
"charge" them energetically in our Pranava Energy Activator.
This is a multistep process, developed exclusively by Celestial Lights, that basically charges each crystal with a special light life
-force energy or Prana. The crystal is now charged and activated permanently to attract and transmit charged Lifetrons or Prana healing energy.
Prana means the breathe of the is the energy that creates and supports Life; healing, & wholeness flow from it. It is the Light Signature of the Creator, carrying the blueprint for the
remembrance of the Source.
Our special Pranava activation process imbues a particularly gentle nurturing aspect of the Divine Mother nature of the
Universal Source. It is excellent for those souls who are especially drawn to the Divine Feminine aspect of Creation, healers, lightworkers, spiritual aspirants and truth seekers.
Smokey Quartz Properties: [excerpt from "Love is in the Earth" by Melody]
"All dark/blackish stones are generally associated with the base
Chakra. It is therefore useful in removing blockages to physical energy in relation to fear and it's foundation. This can often be earlier negative experiences. If these are of
a sexual nature, treatment of the base Chakra is doubly indicated. This crystal is useful in helping dissolve negative energy produced by the mind.
Balancing and cleansing of the meridians and subtle bodies are enhanced.
The energy of this mineral is especially applicable to the areas of
the solar plexus and the Chakras located in the hands and feet. The Rutilated and dark varieties are quite effective in the activities related to the energy frequencies of the physical and etheric
bodies. The energy can penetrate and can subsequently transform negative emotions and negative energy patterns: it tends to penetrate and to dissolve energy fields which have been generated
from negative thought forms, anger and resentment. It can be used to gently dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages. Smokey quartz softens the negative energy and allow
the positive frequencies to enter the realm of affection. It works to dissolve the resultant formations, effects, disorders and disease which a problem situation has created in one's life.
It can be used to relive barriers which may exist between the beta and alpha state of the mind, hence, if one is worried and desires to set aside the thinking mind and to clear the mental channels,
Smokey quartz can facilitate.
It tends to refine the vibratory energies when one is in the state of meditation, allowing for both the clarity of thought and the
elimination of impeding willfulness. It can be used to initiate a powerful force field which will absorb many forms of negativity, both from within oneself as well as from outer sources.
It is an excellent grounding stone, enhancing attentiveness to the moment and producing the grounding aspects necessary during the meditative state in order to stimulate higher levels of awareness.
It further acts as a protective stone, providing for an encompassing barrier of energy around the user. " [note: this
information is not intended to diagnosis or treat any illness, nor replace professional medical care.]
These Amazing, beautiful crystals range in size from from 1/2 inch to 2 inches square. Prices for Pranava Activated Merkabas:
small: $32.00, Medium $45.00 Large: $60.00.
Occasionally we also have Larger for availability and price.
With Blessings from Celestial Lights!
Shipping: Typical shipping charges are $4.60 in the USA. We are
happy to combine items for lower shipping costs. Call or email for combined item shipping. Shipping rates are for the USA only, Email or phone for international rates.
Returns: 100% satisfaction guaranteed. You may return within 10 days of receipt for a full refund of your purchase price.