Tanzine Aura Quartz is created by bonding a clear natural Quartz crystal with a
precious metal infusion of pure Gold and Indium, resulting in an immensely powerful protection combination which fuses the Blue and
Violet Rays into an iridescent display of Light.
Tanzine is similar to Aqua Aura Quartz but has the addition of the
rare element Indium and displays more of the Violet/Indigo Blue Ray color spectrum.
In a secret process which is part alchemy and part science, the three unique substances of Quartz Crystal, pure Gold and Indium are
commingled in a permanent way, resulting in the deep Indigo Blue/Violet iridescent rainbow coloring of Tanzine Aura.
Indigo Color properties in crystals
The Color Ray of Indigo symbolizes wisdom, psychic awareness, and royalty. A few characteristics of this color include; access to the source of all
knowledge, master of one's self, and non-attachment of material things. Some like to use stones in the indigo color to explore past lives and events from past lives.
Properties of the Indigo Color/Light Spectrum
The Indigo color spectrum is electromagnetic. Indigo purifies the bloodstream and mental processes. It promotes clear and logical thoughts, helps to develop
tolerance, clarity of perception and encourages one to seek enlightenment and At-One-Ment.
Indigo stimulates and opens the Third Eye Chakra.
When the Third Eye Energy Center is open, one can see and understand life as it really exists.
Indigo combines power with practicality.
Indigo can induce local and, under certain circumstances, total anesthesia.
Indigo supports treatment of mental and emotional instability, clinical schizophrenia, and stabilizes the nervous system.
Indigo enhances and supports transmutation (changes energy from low to high), and the development of insight.
Indigo helps to counteract obesity, acts as a purifying agent on all levels, helps one to develop clear perception and attain a sense of unity on every level.
Indigo's Influence on the Levels of the Bodies
PHYSICAL BODY: Purifies the bloodstream, nourishes tissues, improves complexion, strengthens the body, and assists in the control of the higher
bodies. Helps to develop trust others can rely on.
EMOTIONAL BODY: Enables one to understand and sympathize with others on an emotional level.
Provides one with the ability to stick to one's own spiritual path.
MENTAL BODY: It acts as a mental freeing and purifying agent. Helps one to develop a sense of unity, self knowledge and a well developed Mental Body.
Enables one to share and teach others.
SPIRITUAL BODY: Indigo helps one to develop the higher senses of sight, hearing and smell. It enables one to express the purity of the God-self; supporting
the ultimate development into a true spiritual teacher who can impart to others high knowledge, understanding, love and wisdom. Helps one to learn control of the Universe's forces
and eventually achieve communion with the Christ Consciousness.
Metaphysical Properties of Tanzanite and Tanzine
Tanzine is similar to Tanzanite in its color spectrum and properties.
Intuitive sources say that Tanzanite is a gemstone which can awaken the mind and heart, placing the mind's genius under the command of the heart's
wisdom. It activates the throat Chakra for clear communication of one's highest truth. It can also be used to enhance psychic abilities. Tanzanite
stimulates the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras. (Continue at top of next column.)
Tanzanite Properties continued
It enhances and combines all aspects of both communication and intuition, allowing the user to adequately communicate visions and mystical
experiences and enhances the ability to speak from the higher mind and heart.
The energy of Tanzanite acts as a spiraling force, reaching to invite protection and safety during
all activities.
Tanzanite can assist one in encountering the different aspects of the Self and to understand the wonders which exist on all planes of life.
It counteracts one's self-limiting concepts of space and time, and can facilitate encounters with other-worldly beings.
It can be used in the treatment of skin disorders,
misalignment of the spine, inflammations, fevers, and eye disorders.
There are legends surrounding the wise men of Tanzania, dolphins and the ancient civilization of Lemuria. It is said that Tanzanite was first
discovered by Lemurians who found that the gemstone helped accelerate men's development. Dolphins were used to transport the Tanzanite
stones all around the world, spreading knowledge with it. However, men were not mature enough to keep this energy in balance and the ancient civilization fell.
Tanzanite is said to be a bridge to the "Christ Consciousness" and thought to be powerful in bringing peace and brotherhood.
In addition to transmitting it's own unique vibrational signature, Tanzine Aura Crystal
combines the energetic properties of Clear Quartz Crystal with Gold and Indium
Properties of Indium:
What is indium?
Indium gets its name from Indigo as it emits the Blue/violet light spectrum very powerfully.
It is a recently discovered mineral used in producing Blue Violet LED lights and Solar photocells. It is also being hailed as the missing link in reversing the aging process.
Indium has long been considered a non essential trace mineral. New findings,
however, are beginning to change that view. Indium seems to enhance food and mineral absorption by the body. Furthermore, it helps correct mineral deficiencies you may
not even have known about. Most people experience beneficial results immediately. *
What are some benefits of Indium? *
Short-term benefits as reported by many indium users include increased energy,
reduced need for sleep, and an enhanced sense of well being - the "indium high." Long-term benefits include a gradual correction
of many chronic illnesses. This includes, but is not limited to, improved blood pressure, healthier body weight, and a reversal of visible signs of aging..
Properties of CLEAR QUARTZ
Quartz is known as the "stone of the mind". It is excellent for focusing energies and for focusing direction. Used to help
concentrate, quartz is an excellent source of increased mental abilities. Clear Quartz is one of the purest and most versatile forms of crystal. It's key word is Clarity---it's
high energy frequency clarifies and amplifies one's thoughts. It is used extensively in healing, meditation and spiritual development.
Clear Quartz has the capacity to absorb and reflect all color vibrations within the spectrum of light. This makes it a unique
and powerful healing instrument which brings light and energy into our physical and spiritual bodies.
The termination tip of a clear quartz crystal is most often colorless while its body is usually a milky white color. This
"milky" portion is naturally occurring trapped water vapor and does not detract from the crystal's energies. Clear quartz alleviates all emotional extremes, the Third-Eye, Crown
and Solar Plexus Chakras are all cleared, aligned, and balanced. The creativity of the second Chakra is balanced with the sensitivity of the Heart Chakra to give feeling to one's creative
Clear Quartz aids the alignment of the Emotional Body with the Etheric Body... this enhances, but does not cause, tissue
Clear quartz is a powerful clarifier and amplifier of thought forms, and particularly useful when used with prayer, meditation
and affirmations.
Clear quartz has a balancing effect on the Yin or feminine energy, and dark (such as Smokey quartz) has a balancing effect on
the Yang or masculine energy. Using both types together has a balancing effect of the Yin and Yang energies of the individual.
Clear Quartz is the most versatile multipurpose healing stone. It is easy to cleanse, store information or energy in,
program or amplify energy and heal with. It can both draw and send energy
Properties of Gold
is considered by many cultures to be the master healer, stabilizer, harmonizer, balancer and grounder. It is an excellent mineral for purification of the physical body.
It is a symbol of wealth, prosperity, love , generosity, power, illumination
and sacredness. It has been called Mineral Light.
The Buddha is often depicted in Gold to symbolize absolute perfection and
The energy of gold can be used to balance the energy fields and to assist one
in the elimination of ego conflicts and feelings of futility.
Gold has been used in the development, purification, and balancing of the heart
Chakra and for the amplification of thought-forms. The purity of gold is said to help one to preserve higher thought forms for later retrieval.
Gold has also been used to open and to activate the third-eye and crown Chakras.
It has been said to attract honors, wealth, and happiness, to provide
composure. to stabilize the emotional system, to alleviate tension and stress, and to amplify positive feelings. It also assists one in attuning to nature and its healing forces.
Gold can clear negativity from the Chakras and the energy fields of the
physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual bodies, while transferring the vitality of any mineral to the affected area. Gold produces an energy which is both cooperative and
receptive, allowing for extensive use with other gem stones – it attracts and maintains those qualities which are inherent within the additional stone.