P ranava Quartz Crystal Sphere -Source of Bliss
Creates a matrix of nurturing protection that will not allow negativity to penetrate. Holding
the sphere (will help us to) experience the limitless expansion of consciousness into a transcendent state where we become that and realize the totality of consciousness. "The Divine is center everywhere,
circumference nowhere." Yogananda. The energy is softness, love, calming, caring, Divine Mother. Hold one in each hand during meditation or during a treatment session. Balances and energizes the aura
. This crystal sphere also opens a connection to the energetic matrix of the Earth herself
Mer-Ka-Ba Crystal: Activates and clarifies the human Light Body. Excellent tool to enhance and strengthen one's own light body and a
powerful learning aid for anyone doing Mer-Ka-Ba (light body) visualizations and meditations.
This term is from the Egyptian Mystery School. It is found in many languages including African Zulu,
Egyptian and Hebrew. In Hebrew it means both the throne of God and a chariot that carries the human body and spirit from one place to another. In Egyptian, Mer-Ka-Ba is derived from three words:
"Mer" a special kind of light, a counter-rotating field of light; "Ka" means spirit; and "Ba" means the interpretation of the Reality or the human body.
This can be translated into "a counter-rotating field of light that will interact and translate the spirit and the body from one world into another."
Large Five Pointed Star - embodies and represents the five core subtle elements that are inherent in all of creation. This Pranava crystal will
help to align and connect the five elements in our five subtle bodies with the 5 elements of the universe, thereby connecting us to the core of consciousness and makes inherent potentials more available, accessible.
This star's energy has a very gentle, feminine quality. It is very grounding and balancing and allows the spreading and expansion of the aura. Good to begin with this crystal.
The Flower of Life Gemstar: The pure essence of the five elements. Represents the concentrated core essence of our being, the Atman. The being of light. Using this tool, thought-waves are being compressed into creation, excellent for visualization and
manifestation work. It is a gift to carry us to our destiny. Good for manifestation and meditation. (For more details of this sacred shape we recommend reading: The Secrets of
the Flower of Life, vol. 1 and vol. 2.)
Five Pointed Stars: Represents the 5 elements and Connecting to the Core of Consciousness (CCC). Using this tool aid our realization of
our connection to and awareness of: the subtle essence of the 5 elements corresponding to our 5 bodies (koshas) or energy sheaths/layers, and the 5
pranas or subtle essences of energetic emanations that are present in all aspects of creation as well as in ourselves. The energy of these tools is that
of spreading and horizontal expansion. Holding them, one can sense the opening of a portal or doorway...the energy expands outwards to the infinite
. A very soothing, gentle energy. Clarifies the subtle bodies, opens the connections to the elements and subtle essences of the universe, excellent also for visualization work.
Six Pointed Stars: the two triangles, symbolize the balance of feminine and masculine energy, the descent into matter of Divine
consciousness and the ascent of matter back to the Divine, Yin and Yang, Shiva and Shakti. The space where the two sacred triangles meet is the heart, our source, the center for Divine
unconditional love. This symbol has been used by many spiritual traditions: it is the Star of David, and the Vedic symbol for the Heart Chakra. These take us into the heart of stillness....to the core of our being. A very
soothing, gentle energy; clarifies the subtle bodies, opens the connections to the elements and subtle essences of the universe, excellent also for visualization work. $48.00 & $58.00
Broad Crystal Double-Terminated Wand: Excellent for energetic filling, brings in specific healing energies. Good to use following
the elimination and clearing work with the Crystal Laser Wand. It is also good for clearing and re-energizing a room or building. Excellent Feng Shui
applications. This is for mega-level clearing, both for rooms, gardens, as well as for the human aura. It clears stagnant pockets of energy in a room or person. Use it with intention.
Crystal Pyramids: Excellent for cleansing in a major way,
removing psychic obstacles, healing grief, brings issues up to the surface for clarification. One of the most powerful of all sacred shapes, the pyramid
represents the infusion of Divine consciousness into matter, as energy flows from the point of origin to the base, and also the portal or gateway for the
ascent of matter back to the Divine Source. The Pyramid shape is formed from three triangles, these relate to the three states of being as described in
the ancient Vedas:, tamasic, rajasic and satvic, as well as the three worlds or realms of existence. The power of the pyramid is focusing and rejuvenating, it restores balance and harmony.
The best tool to start with is the pyramid -- begin by placing a Pyramid in
the home (or your workplace). The pyramid begins the process of programing all objects in the environment to the vibrational state of the remembrance of the Source. The pyramid stabilizes the Pranava energy in
the environment and provides a platform for the use of the other AtmaPrakasha Energy Tools. Using natural quartz crystal in the pyramid shape creates an incredibly organized structure that is immensely
programmable... able to contain and convey vast amounts of energetic information and work for many individuals simoutanously. It can also activate other objects, it is the Grandmother Teacher of all the
AtmaPrakasha tools.
Using the pyramid in conjunction with all of the other tools to enhances
their effectiveness and amplifies their energy, and increases their ability to be programed for the individual, family or group.
Place in the home, the pyramid is immensely programmable, it can be used by a couple or the entire family simoutanously. Excellent to place in a room where people have gathered for group sharing or meditation.
Therapists: Place in the healing or therapy room, under a massage/therapy table, or in the center of a counseling group.
Our Pranava Activation process provides a consistent energetic quality
even though all pyramids are individually cut from natural crystals and are therefore physically unique. Prices vary according to sizes & weight and
quality of the stone. The pyramids are available in three general size/price groups: standard, large and extra large. Unique larger size pyramids are
also available- the larger the pyramid the stronger and broader it's energetic range and the greater it's programing capacity.
Crystal Laser Wand (Slim Faceted): This beautiful, slender lab-grown crystal wand is precision cut and multifaceted with a fine point is excellent for work on acupuncture, and acupressure energy meridian points.
It helps to clear and eliminate energetic residues and blockages in the bodies (physical & subtle). Use sweeping motions for clearing and moving the
energetic residues along the energy pathways of the body. This will move the residues out to the main energy meridians, where they can be eliminated
. Also good for very precise work on the acupuncture points, use the shorter point directly on the points to break up blockages and eliminate
residues. Good to follow with a energy smoothing (the five pointed star) or energy filling (either the broad Crystal Wand or the Crystal Vogel-style Torpedo Wand)
Crystal (Vogel-sytle) Tree of Life Laser Wand : This multifaceted cut is inspired by Marcel Vogel's research on healing with crystals and sacred geometry. It's faceted cut and double points
profoundly influence the energy traveling through the crystal. In a healing session, it opens the crown Chakra and allows pranic energy to shoot in, filling the entire body and
vertically aligning the Chakras. It is good to use together with the Pranava Laser Wand; first remove and clarify with the Laser Wand, then fill with this Vogel-style wand.
This is also is a very good tool to use in combination with Reiki symbols. Also, use on the 3rd eye (Ajna) Chakra for a powerful aid to visualization. Available in several sizes ranging from 2 inches to 4
inches in length.
New! Beautiful and powerful Tree of Life Vogel Wand Pendants Click here for details.
NEW! Abundance Stone Pendants
Double Terminated Crystal
: Clarifies Life purpose, Balances the male & female energies, left & right brain hemispheres, enhances clarity.
Quartz Tear-Drop: Increases energy and clarity. Subtly works on Chakra alignment.
Shiva Lingam Pendant: Very grounding; potent earthy energy; masculine
power. Aids to dissolve duality by increasing both our connection to the earth as well as our connection to our own divinity. (Shiva represents the masculine energy of creation.)
Amethyst Pendant: Inspires and Lifts the spirit.
Rose Quartz Pendant: Opens and fills the heart Chakra with unconditional love.