Aquamarine Faceted Star of David Crystal This exclusive, rare Star of David cut greatly enhances the inherent beneficial energies of the crystal. Scientist's have documented
that energy spirals through crystals and is amplified every time it "hits" a facet The more facets a crystal has the more powerful its energy. Additionally, the geometries of the facets affect the way in
which the energy moves. Using the principles of Sacred Geometry, this crystal is faceted into a stunning Six Pointed Star of David shape.
- Creates an energy shield -wear it for protection
- Enhances and amplifies your Meditation practice.
- Clarifies and amplifies your affirmation and prayer practice.
- Clears and activates and aligns the Chakras and energy bodies
- Use them in conjunction with your healing practices.
This is an excellent crystal energy balancing tool for any healer/ energy worker! Our
crystals greatly enhance any kind of healing work: Massage, Counseling, Intuitive, Reiki, Pranic Energy Healing, Aromatherapy, Physical Therapy, Feng Shui...the list is endless.
Select the one for each day and circumstance. Carry them with
you as a personal healing stone, meditate with them, use it for focusing and amplifying affirmations and prayers, or apply them to the Chakra energy centers for a vibrational healing session.
beautiful crystals measure 3/4 inch across at the base by 3/8 inch thick. They are available in Blue, Green and Gold Siberian Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Smokey Quartz, Clear. These incredible
faceted crystals may have minor striations that prevent them from becoming gem-quality pendants selling for hundreds of dollars, but do not detract from their beauty or subtle energy healing qualities. You (and you clients/friends and family) will love these crystals!!
Star of David faceted Quartz Crystal
This Star of David cut, originally designed by Marcel Vogel, is a two dimensional symbol of the
"Merkaba Vehicle", or Vehicle of Light. This "Vehicle" is comprised of two, three dimensional three sided pyramids. One pyramid is point up (representative of the Male aspect of duality) and the
other is point down (representative of the Female aspect of duality). In other sacred traditions this is referred to as the Yin/Yang, or Shiva/Shakti energies or aspects. Merging together they create a
Star Tetrahedron. This geometric energy grid, representing wholeness, is said to be the Light Body Vehicle which we incarnate into this world with, and which when properly activated allows us to transcend the
physical world, in a process referred to as Ascension. This Merkaba or Light Body Vehicle also serves as an "Energy Antenna"" connecting us with our Creator and all of Creation. It is constantly
shifting, moving, and dancing in rhythmic flow with our creative conscious and subconscious mind. Using this Crystal Star of David as a visualizing tool, one can become more aware of their own energy grids:
clearing, healing and creating what is chosen.
How they work
Because these beautiful light tools are cut precisely from quartz, they
move and amplify energies in a certain direction and can be programmed. The Female side [negative, magnetic, inverted triangle] draws energy in. This energy is then amplified and "flavored" by the
program and the type of quartz. The now amplified energies are radiated out the Male side [positive, electric, aligned triangle].
- When wearing a Star Crystal with the Male side out, the Higher
Self energy is drawn from within, amplified, and radiated out into the aura, making it so brilliant it can act as a shield.
- Wearing a Star Crystal with the Female side out draws energies from the environment, and amplifies and directs them into the
body. Therefore, wearing it with Female side out would best be done only in a sacred place or in a positive/healing type of environment.
How to Use Protection & Healing:
They can also be combined with other healing substances such as essential oils, herbs, affirmations, Reiki, etc. to enhance their effectiveness and transmit their energies through the
subtle energetic transmission of the crystal. Simply place and infuse the Female side of the Star with the desired substance, affirmation etc., and place the Male side down on the appropriate area of the body.
Feng Shui: These beautiful crystals can also be used to empower and
infuse your home or workplace with healthful energy. Place four programmed Stars, one in each of the directions on the perimeter of the desired space, Male side out to create a safe, sacred space
Star of David - What is the Symbolism of the Six Pointed Star?
The Star of David is an ancient, sacred symbol which appears in many
spiritual traditions worldwide. This six-pointed star is formed by a downward pointing triangle merged with an upward pointing triangle. The downward represents the creative, female, Yang, or Shakti
energy; the infusion of the Divine into matter. The upward represents male, Yin or Shiva energy; the ascension of Spiritualized matter back to the Divine. This is the symbol of the cycles of Creation: the
manifestation of the Divine into matter, and Ascension/Disoloution- the return of Spiritualized matter back to its Divine Source
Where the two triangles intersect represents the center point where the two forces of duality; Shiva/Shakti, Yin/Yang, male/female energies
merge in balance, as well as the center point where matter and spirit merge and commune. It is a supreme symbol of Balance, Harmony and Wholeness.
This Star is also the ancient traditional symbol for the Anahat or Heart Chakra. It symbolizes that balance and wholeness of the dual aspects
of our nature, as well as the portal for communion with the Divine, are both attained in our heart center.
Properties of Aquamarine: [ excerpt from "Love is in the
Earth" by Melody] The "Stone of Courage" aquamarine enhances ones ability for rapid
intellectual response, provides a shielding property for the aura and subtle bodies and encourages the innate ability to "always be prepared".
Mariners considered it a protection stone. It resonates with water energy, flowing yet also structured so that balance and order are maintained. Supports alignment of the Chakras and balancing of the
network of structures connecting the physical and ethereal bodies. It emits a gentle and compassionate energy, exhibiting moderation. It
encourages tolerance, non-judgement, taking responsibility for one's actions and supports a sense of control & centeredness in stressful situations.
Aquamarine stimulates, activates and cleanses the Throat Chakra facilitating communication of truth, spirituality and creativity--the ability
to express universal truth and love. For those on a spiritual path, it helps to attune to deeper levels of spiritual awareness, provides
emotional and intellectual stability, and enhances the connection to the Higher-Self. Physically: strengthening for the eyes, throat and thyroid." [note: this information is not intended to diagnosis or treat any illness, nor replace professional medical
Only available mounted as a pendant. To order:
100% satisfaction guaranteed. You may return within 30 days of receipt for a full refund of your purchase price.